Chrissy's Ramblings

Blogging is apparently contagious! Larissa got me addicted and excited and so here it is! I think this is going to be a lot of fun!

Monday, October 31, 2005

My newest book

I just wanted to take a moment to lavish in my own pride for a moment. I've never been one to keep my goals in mind so readily but this summer, I had made it my summer's mission to finally finish a novel I had been working on for two years! So as any young woman enjoying their summer holidays, I left it, and continued to procrastinate and left it on the shelf.
Well that backfired as it was two days until my first day of school and I was still nowhere near finishing. I hadn't even reached the climactic height! I hadn't even introduced the new character who would play a key role in solving the mystery! Yes, it's true, I had a lot of work to do.
So I buckled down and did it. I seriously sat at my computer with no human contact for two days, doing nothing but enter the world I had created, trying to resolve my poor character's problems. (in other words, I was trying to finish the stupid thing). I can recall going to youth group one night and my friend Kari saying "You look like you just ran a marathon!" Meanwhile, I had just been writing my book for 3 hours straight. That's how it felt though.
There was much rejoicing the day before school started when I finally wrote the finishing touch on the last page of my new novel: The End! However, it is just the beginning for me. The editing phase is always the most fun (sarcasm insinuated here) and I think it will take me until the end of the school year to fully complete. But, the novel is called Trapped Minds and here is the cover of it. Oh no, there's a giant cat behind me! Though I think it will be subject to change. I don't like my picture on the cover of the book, it implies I am the main character. (The main character is based on me). The story is set in a laboratory where young girls are kept against their will by a man who has twisted ideas and psychologically disturbing problems. The story revolves around the life of a girl named Tara Pickett. For more information about my new novel (which I'm so excited about), go to my website and read about Trapped Minds .



Tonight is Halloween and I have found myself feeling like an idiot once again. Funny how much you think Halloween is much too overdone and then you find yourself the only one in a whole University with Halloween spirit. I decided to semi-dress up today and so I put on a baseball hat and drew a little spider on my cheek. Do you think anybody else had the same idea? No! Nobody likes to have fun. So I feel like an outcast. But that's okay because I don't care what others think of me, I'm having fun!

My plans for Halloween night are as follows:
1. Hand out candy
2. Be brutally bored for the rest of the night.

I have this great costume but I can't go out. There is a Halloween party at the restaurant near me and I want to go, but I have no one who would go with me. If I had known about it earlier, I would have been able to make better plans, but leave it to me, the procrastinator. Just for the fun of it, here is a picture of me in my costume.

Don't mess with the Hogwarts chick

I'm Hermione Granger from Harry Potter, but in this picture, my hair is in pigtails and I'm not wearing my robe. But that's okay, you get the basic idea. Here is one with my robe on. My sister says I'm a camera whore

So that's my costume. Anyway, I guess that's my blog for today. This is really addicting and fun, I think I may post another one today to make up for lost time.
Yours truly