Chrissy's Ramblings

Blogging is apparently contagious! Larissa got me addicted and excited and so here it is! I think this is going to be a lot of fun!

Monday, April 10, 2006

High On Life? Nope, just friends

I find it incredibly amazing how I actually have a social life now. Friday night I had a girl's night with my friends from school where we had a terrific time just being ourselves and goofing off. But also sharing things with each other and growing closer as friends. I found myself out until 3 in the morning, which is probably a record for me, but man I had so much fun. So, my friends are Kristie, Crystal and Sandeep (who we have renamed Krisdeep, because all of our names start with some derivative of "Kris"). We are all so much alike it scares me, but I think that's why we all get along so well. None of us had anything to drink, and yet we were so hyper just having fun with each other that you'd think we were on something, but nope. Just a whole lot of ice cream, chips, dip, pop, Narnia, and a whole lot of girly fun. I feel so blessed to have these girls in my life. It's nice to have friends from school who are my age (well almost). There's Kristie, who chased me down the hall with whipped cream in her hand, ready to attack. (She did attack). There's Crystal who runs away from the camera and scares just as easily as I do. There's Sandeep who is obsessed with chocolate and graciously offered her home for our crazy wackoness of fun night. (Weird sentence). Anyway, can't wait for the next one, ladies. Thanks for being some of the greatest friends I have ever had.
God bless

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I don't really know what I'm blogging about, so I guess that means this is a freewriting blog, just one large run on sentence that doesn't have anything particularly interesting to say because I don't blog enough and maybe that means that my life is one big bore, but it really isn't and anyone who knows me will know that well I guess I am really excited about Friday night because I am officially having a social life with some friends from school who mean the world to me and we will finally be able to hang out outside of school for the first time since we have always been so busy and confined inside of school and now that this is the last week of classes, we find the time to get together and get girly so here come the chick flicks, woo hoo, but I'll put up with it as long as they are fairly decent and then Saturday night I'm going to my co-workers house to watch movies as well so I'm a social butterfly this weekend that makes me feel really great since I don't always feel like I get out a lot and so that's really great and I guess that's all that's new and exciting about me except my ear infection went away so that' s a relief, everybody at my house is dealign with something, whether it's a cold, or upset tummies, or a broken knee or no sleep, it's a lot of fun, but that was a total sarcastic remark, anyways, I guess that's my ramble, if you were frustrated with the lack of punctuation (cough, Kari) I apologize but school is nearly officially over and I have finished writing essays, SO I DON'T CARE that's not true, I do care, but anyways, I'm obviously too bored right now, but ha, there is not one period in this entire blog. <--oops
God bless