Chrissy's Ramblings

Blogging is apparently contagious! Larissa got me addicted and excited and so here it is! I think this is going to be a lot of fun!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Cure For Hiccups

For those of you who don't know, this is my friend Kristie. We've been going to school together for almost three years now, but have really only been friends for a little over a year. We get along because we both have strange senses of humor, and for other wacky reasons, but one of them is that she always manages to make me laugh.

Example: Yesterday, righth before our midterm, Kristie had the hiccups. So I tried to scare her (she's unscarable), and nothing was working, until I managed to say something to get her mad enough to try and smack me. Now, if you know anything about psychology, when you are threatened, your mind will react in one of three ways. It will either tell you to fight (fight against the threat - hit back), flight (run away, or flinch away) or freeze (sit there like an idiot in the face of danger). So what did I do? I guess my prefrontal cortex ordered me to flight, because I moved away, and her hand hit the wall. So she yelps out and her knuckles begin to turn red and purple, and we're laughing like crazy. She blamed me but I blame my prefrontal cortex (just kidding).

But in truth, she should be thanking me, because her hiccups were gone after that. So if you're ever in dire need of a cure for hiccups, you should consider smacking your knuckles against a cement wall, and see if it works.



  • At 2:45 PM, Blogger Larissa said…

    Darren believes you can (and he does) will away the hiccups. My sure-fire cure is drinking upside down. Both of those are much less painful than the Chrissy method. FYI

  • At 9:21 PM, Blogger Crush's Chronicle said…

    I think smacking you would definitely take my hiccups away because I'd be laughing so hard I couldn't possibly get in a hiccup!! Just kidding. Good blog! Love ya :-)


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